Lista de

organism colony
"Effects of sublethal doses of imidacloprid on young adult honeybee behaviour" (2015) Goñalons, C.M.; Farina, W.M. PLoS ONE. 10(10)
"Efficient egress of escaping ants stressed with temperature" (2013) Boari, S.; Josens, R.; Parisi, D.R. PLoS ONE. 8(11)
"Task-partitioning in insect societies: Non-random direct material transfers affect both colony efficiency and information flow" (2013) Grüter, C.; Schürch, R.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 327:23-33
"Honeybees learn floral odors while receiving nectar from foragers within the hive" (2007) Farina, W.M.; Grüter, C.; Acosta, L.; Mc Cabe, S. Naturwissenschaften. 94(1):55-60
"Apis mellifera bees acquire long-term olfactory memories within the colony" (2006) Gil, M.; De Marco, R.J. Biology Letters. 2(1):98-100
"Protein kinase A is involved in the control of morphology and branching during aerobic growth of Mucor circinelloides" (2004) Lübbehüsen, T.;González Polo, V.;Rossi, S. (...)Arnau, J. Microbiology. 150(1):143-150