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Nuclear physics
"QCD spin physics: Partonic spin structure of the nucleon" (2012) De Florian, D.; Sassot, R.; Stratmann, M.; Vogelsang, W. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 67(2):251-259
"Particle currents in a fluid-dynamical description of two trapped fermion species" (2011) Hernández, E.S.; Capuzzi, P.; Szybisz, L. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 162(3-4):281-286
"Experimental and theoretical study of hyperconjugative interaction effects on NMR1JCH scalar couplings" (2006) Contreras, R.H.;Esteban, Á.L.;Díez, E. (...)Tormena, C.F. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110(12):4266-4275
"Braneworld black hole gravitational lens: Strong field limit analysis" (2005) Eiroa, E.F. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 71(8):1-7
"Adsorbed 3d transition-metal atoms and dimers on Au(111): Signatures derived from one-electron calculations" (2001) Weissmann, M.; Llois, A.M. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 63(11):1134021
"Anomalies and symmetries of the regularized action" (2000) Fosco, C.D.; Mazzitelli, F.D. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 481(1):129-135