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Molecular outflows
"Study of the molecular and ionized gas in a possible precursor of an ultra-compact H II region" (2017) Ortega, M.E.;Paron, S.;Giacani, E. (...)Petriella, A. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 606
"Near-IR imaging toward a puzzling young stellar object precessing jet" (2016) Paron, S.; Fariña, C.; Ortega, M.E. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 593
"Discovering a misaligned CO outflow related to the red MSX source G034.5964-01.0292" (2014) Paron, S.; Ortega, M.E.; Petriella, A.; Rubio, M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 567
"Outflow activity in the UCHII region G045.47+0.05" (2012) Ortega, M.E.;Paron, S.;Cichowolski, S. (...)Dubner, G. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 546
"Study of the molecular clump associated with the high-energy source HESS J1858+020" (2011) Paron, S.; Giacani, E.; Rubio, M.; Dubner, G. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 530
"A multiwavelength study of the star forming region IRAS 18544+0112" (2010) Ortega, M.E.;Paron, S.;Cichowolski, S. (...)Dubner, G. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 510(1)
"A molecular outflow revealing star formation activity in the vicinity of the HII region G034.8-0.7 and the SNR W44" (2009) Paron, S.; Ortega, M.E.; Rubio, M.; Dubner, G. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 498(2):445-453