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Model and simulation
"Using a Discrete-Event System Specifications (DEVS) for designing a Modelica compiler" (2015) Wainer, G.A.; D'Abreu, M.C. Advances in Engineering Software. 79:111-126
"Advanced IDE for modeling and simulation of discrete event systems" (2010) Bonaventura, M.; Wainer, G.A.; Castro, R. Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation: DEVS Integrative M and S Symposium, DEVS 2010, Part of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, SpringSim 2010. 42(1 BOOK 4):247-254
"Experimental results oil the implementation of modelica using DEVS modeling and simulation" (2006) D'Abreu, M.C.; Wainer, G.A. 2nd DEVS Integrative M and S Symposium, DEVS 2006, Part of the 2006 Spring Simulation Multiconference, SpringSim 2006:114-121