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Magnetic couplings
"Dielectric Behavior and Electro-Magnetic Coupling at Room Temperature in BiFeO3/PVDF and CoFe2O4/PVDF Composites" (2017) Saleh Medina, L.M.; Negri, R.M. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121(49):27683-27692
"Structure and magnetism of a binuclear Cu II pyrophosphate: Transition to a 3D magnetic behaviour studied by single crystal EPR" (2015) Sartoris, R.P.;Nascimento, O.R.;Santana, R.C. (...)Calvo, R. Dalton Transactions. 44(10):4732-4743
"Modeling ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in metal-organic coordination networks" (2015) Faraggi, M.N.;Golovach, V.N.;Stepanow, S. (...)Arnau, A. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119(1):547-555
"Structural dependence of magnetic exchange coupling parameters in transition-metal complexes" (2013) Melo, J.I.; Phillips, J.J.; Peralta, J.E. Chemical Physics Letters. 557:110-113
"Structural properties and hyperfine characterization of Sn-substituted goethites" (2012) Larralde, A.L.;Ramos, C.P.;Arcondo, B. (...)Sileo, E.E. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 133(2-3):735-740
"Co-doped ceria: Tendency towards ferromagnetism driven by oxygen vacancies" (2010) Ferrari, V.; Llois, A.M.; Vildosola, V. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 22(27)
"Substrate effects on the magnetic ground state of 3d transition metal chains" (2009) Urdaniz, M.C.; Barral, M.A.; Llois, A.M. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 404(18):2822-2825
"Decoherence induced by a dynamic spin environment: The universal regime" (2008) Cormick, C.; Pablo Paz, J. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 77(2)
"Magnetic properties and EPR spectra of [Cu(L-arginine)2](NO3)2·3H2O" (2007) Gerard, M.F.;Aiassa, C.;Casado, N.M.C. (...)Calvo, R. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 68(8):1533-1539
"Ab initio electronic structure calculations for Mn linear chains deposited on CuN / Cu (0 0 1) surfaces" (2007) Barral, M.A.; Weht, R.; Lozano, G.; María Llois, A. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 398(2):369-371
"The sign and magnitude of2hJ(F,F) and1hJ(F,H) in FH⋯FH. A CLOPPA analysis of their distance dependence" (2006) Giribet, C.G.; Ruiz De Azúa, M.C. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110(40):11575-11583
"Study of ferromagnetic properties of molecular magnets based on aminonaphthalenesulfonic acid and aniline" (1996) Soriano, M.R.; Tsobnang, F.; Le Méhauté, A.; Wimmer, E. Synthetic Metals. 76(1-3):317-321