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light availability
"Are cyanobacteria total, specific and trait abundance regulated by the same environmental variables?" (2018) Frau, D.; Pinto, P.D.T.; Mayora, G. Annales de Limnologie. 54
"Are cyanobacteria total, specific and trait abundance regulated by the same environmental variables?" (2018) Frau, D.; Pinto, P.D.T.; Mayora, G. Annales de Limnologie. 54
"Barometric pressure influences host-orientation behavior in the larva of a dipteran ectoparasitoid" (2012) Crespo, J.E.; Castelo, M.K. Journal of Insect Physiology. 58(12):1562-1567
"Differential seedling establishment of woody plants along a tree density gradient in Neotropical savannas" (2012) Salazar, A.; Goldstein, G.; Franco, A.C.; Miralles-Wilhelm, F. Journal of Ecology. 100(6):1411-1421
"Epiphytic algal biodiversity in humic shallow lakes from the lower Paraná River Basin (Argentina)" (2011) Rodríguez, P.; Tell, G.; Pizarro, H. Wetlands. 31(1):53-63
"Understory bamboo flowering provides a very narrow light window of opportunity for canopy-tree recruitment in a neotropical forest of Misiones, Argentina" (2011) Montti, L.;Campanello, P.I.;Gatti, M.G. (...)Goldstein, G. Forest Ecology and Management. 262(8):1360-1369
"Interactive effects of N:P ratios and light on nitrogen-fixer abundance" (2010) Pinto, P.T.; Litchman, E. Oikos. 119(3):567-575
"The effect of radiation on seedling growth and physiology in four species of Prosopis L. (Mimosaceae)" (2000) Vilela, A.E.; Ravetta, D.A. Journal of Arid Environments. 44(4):415-423