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Late Miocene
"The oldest record of flea/armadillos interaction as example of bioerosion on osteoderms from the late Miocene of the Argentine Pampas" (2016) Tomassini, R.L.; Montalvo, C.I.; Ezquiaga, M.C. International Journal of Paleopathology. 15:65-68
"Phylogenetic affinities of the late Miocene echimyid †pampamys and the age of Thrichomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi)" (2012) Olivares, A.I.; Verzi, D.H.; Vucetich, M.G.; Montalvo, C.I. Journal of Mammalogy. 93(1):76-86
"Payenia volcanic province in the Southern Andes: An appraisal of an exceptional Quaternary tectonic setting" (2011) Ramos, V.A.; Folguera, A. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 201(1-4):53-64
"Late Miocene continental biota in Northeastern Patagonia (Península Valdés, Chubut, Argentina)" (2010) Dozo, M.T.;Bouza, P.;Monti, A. (...)Tambussi, C.P. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 297(1):100-109
"87Sr/86Sr late miocene age of fossil molluscs in the 'entrerriense' of the Valdés Peninsula (Chubut, Argentina)" (2001) Scasso, R.A.;McArthur, J.M.;Del Río, C.J. (...)Thirlwall, M.F. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 14(3):319-329