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jet stream
"Temperature extremes in the Argentina central region and their monthly relationship with the mean circulation and ENSO phases" (2017) Rusticucci, M.; Barrucand, M.; Collazo, S. International Journal of Climatology. 37(6):3003-3017
"The severe zonda wind event of 11 July 2006 east of the Andes Cordillera (Argentine): A case study using the BRAMS model" (2008) Norte, F.A.; Ulke, A.G.; Simonelli, S.C.; Viale, M. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 102(1-2):1-14
"The tropopause at southern extratropical latitudes: Argentine operational rawinsonde climatology" (2007) Bischoff, S.A.; Canziani, P.O.; Yuchechen, A.E. International Journal of Climatology. 27(2):189-209
"Modeled Chaco low-level jets and related precipitation patterns during the 1997-1998 warm season" (2006) Nicolini, M.; Saulo, A.C. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 94(1-4):129-143