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Java programming language
"Practical JFSL verification using TACO" (2014) Chicote, M.; Ciolek, D.; Galeotti, J.P. Software - Practice and Experience. 44(3):317-334
"TacoFlow: optimizing SAT program verification using dataflow analysis" (2014) Cuervo Parrino, B.; Galeotti, J.P.; Garbervetsky, D.; Frias, M.F. Software and Systems Modeling. 14(1):45-63
"TACO: Efficient SAT-based bounded verification using symmetry breaking and tight bounds" (2013) Galeotti, J.P.; Rosner, N.; Lopez Pombo, C.G.; Frias, M.F. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 39(9):1283-1306
"Region-based memory management: An evaluation of its support in RTSJ" (2012) Higuera-Toledano, M.T.; Yovine, S.; Garbervetsky, D. Distributed, Embedded and Real-time Java Systems. 9781441981585:101-127
"Quantitative dynamic-memory analysis for Java" (2011) Garbervetsky, D.;Yovine, S.;Braberman, V. (...)Taboada, A. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience. 23(14):1665-1678
"Analysis of invariants for efficient bounded verification" (2010) Galeotti, J.P.; Rosner, N.; Pombo, C.G.L.; Frias, M.F. 19th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA 2010:25-35
"Advanced IDE for modeling and simulation of discrete event systems" (2010) Bonaventura, M.; Wainer, G.A.; Castro, R. 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, SpringSim'10
"On transforming Java-like programs into memory-predictable code" (2009) Garbervetsky, D.;Yovine, S.;Braberman, V. (...)Taboada, A. 7th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems, JTRES 2009:140-149
"Towards abstraction for DynAlloy specifications" (2008) Aguirre, N.M.;Frias, M.F.;Ponzio, P. (...)Regis, G. 10th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2008. 5256 LNCS:207-225