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Galaxies: clusters: general
"The Three Hundred project: A large catalogue of theoretically modelled galaxy clusters for cosmological and astrophysical applications" (2018) Cui, W.;Knebe, A.;Yepes, G. (...)Welker, C. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 480(3):2898-2915
"Can cluster merger shocks reproduce the luminosity and shape distribution of radio relics?" (2017) Nuza, S.E.; Gelszinnis, J.; Hoeft, M.; Yepes, G. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 470(1):240-263
"Ram pressure profiles in galaxy groups and clusters" (2011) Tecce, T.E.; Cora, S.A.; Tissera, P.B. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 416(4):3170-3176
"The bright end of the colour-magnitude relation of cluster galaxies" (2011) Jiménez, N.;Cora, S.A.;Bassino, L.P. (...)Smith Castelli, A.V. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 417(1):785-800
"Ram pressure stripping in a galaxy formation model - I. A novel numerical approach" (2010) Tecce, T.E.;Cora, S.A.;Tissera, P.B. (...)Lagos, C.D.P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 408(4):2008-2021
"The influence of halo assembly on galaxies and galaxy groups" (2009) Zapata, T.; Perez, J.; Padilla, N.; Tissera, P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 394(4):2229-2237