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Galerkin methods
"A Block Solver for the Exponentially Fitted IIPG-0 Method" (2013) de Dios, B.A.;Lombardi, A.;Pietra, P. (...)Widlund O. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. 91:239-246
"Exponentially fitted discontinuous Galerkin schemes for singularly perturbed problems" (2012) Lombardi, A.L.; Pietra, P. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 28(6):1747-1777
"Interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin FEM for the p(x)-Laplacian" (2012) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Lombardi, A.L.; Martínez, S. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 50(5):2497-2521
"Sensitivity computations of the viscous kinematic wave using perturbative methods" (2003) Fraidenraich, A.; Jacovkis, P.M.; De Andrade Lima, F.R. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 21(1):85-92
"Sensitivity computations using first and second orders perturbative methods for the advection-diffusion-reaction model of pollutant transport" (2003) Fraidenraich, A.; Jacovkis, P.M.; Lima, F.R.D.A. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 25(1):23-29
"Error estimates for moving least square approximations" (2001) Armentano, M.G.; Durán, R.G. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 37(3):397-416