Lista de

Geometrical parameters
"An optical nanoantenna made of plasmonic chain resonators" (2011) Lester, M.; Skigin, D.C. Journal of Optics. 13(3)
"Transmission properties of dual-period arrays of cylinders" (2011) Skigin, D.C.; Lester, M. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2011 Marrakesh:27-31
"Structural color in beetles of South America" (2010) Luna, A.E.; Skigin, D.C.; Inchaussandague, M.E.; Alsina, A.R. The Nature of Light: Light in Nature III. 7782
"Millimagnitude photometry for transiting extrasolar planetary candidates-V. Follow-up of 30 OGLE transits. New candidates" (2010) Pietrukowicz, P.;Minniti, D.;Díaz, R.F. (...)Hempel, M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 509(1)
"Shape resonances in nested diffraction gratings" (2005) Fantino, A.N.; Grosz, S.I.; Skigin, D.C. Optik. 116(1):22-30
"Resonant modes in nested diffraction gratings" (2004) Fantino, A.N.;Grosz, S.I.;Skigin, D.C. (...)Paz J.L. RIAO/OPTILAS 2004: 5th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics, and 8th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and their Applications; ICO Regional Meeting. 5622(PART 3):1405-1410