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functional response
"Functional responses to edge effects: Seed dispersal in the southern Atlantic forest, Argentina" (2014) Vespa, N.I.; Zurita, G.; Isabel Bellocq, M. Forest Ecology and Management. 328:310-318
"Dietary response of three raptor species to an introduced prey in Patagonia " (2005) Monserrat, A.L.; Funes, M.C.; Novaro, A.J. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 78(3):129-143
"Functional responses of coyotes and lynx to the snowshoe hare cycle" (1998) O'Donoghue, M.;Boutin, S.;Krebs, C.J. (...)Hofer, E.J. Ecology. 79(4):1193-1208