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Free boundaries
"A free boundary problem for the p (x)-Laplacian" (2009) Bonder, J.F.; Martínez, S.; Wolanski, N. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 72(2):1078-1103
"A singular perturbation problem for A quasi-linear operator satisfying the natural growth condition of lieberman" (2009) Sandra, M.; Noemi, W. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 41(1):318-359
"A minimum problem with free boundary in Orlicz spaces" (2008) Martínez, S.; Wolanski, N. Advances in Mathematics. 218(6):1914-1971
"An optimization problem with volume constraint in Orlicz spaces" (2008) Martínez, S. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 340(2):1407-1421
"Regularity of the free boundary in an optimization problem related to the best sobolev trace constant" (2006) Bonder, J.F.; Rossi, J.D.; Wolanski, N. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 44(5):1614-1635
"Regularity of the free boundary in an optimization problem related to the best sobolev trace constant" (2006) Bonder, J.F.; Rossi, J.D.; Wolanski, N. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 44(5):1614-1635
"An optimization problem with volume constraint for a degenerate quasilinear operator" (2006) Fernández Bonder, J.; Martínez, S.; Wolanski, N. Journal of Differential Equations. 227(1):80-101