Lista de

Federal District [Argentina]
"Urban ants of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina: species survey and practical control" (2017) Josens, R.; Sola, F.; Lois-Milevicich, J.; Mackay, W. International Journal of Pest Management. 63(3):213-223
"Aerosol properties and meteorological conditions in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the resuspension of volcanic ash from the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption" (2016) Ulke, A.G.; Brizuela, M.M.T.; Raga, G.B.; Baumgardner, D. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 16(9):2159-2175
"Electrical imaging for localizing historical tunnels at an urban environment" (2015) Osella, A.;Martinelli, P.;Grunhut, V. (...)Weissel, M. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 12(4):674-685
"The environmental impact of the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle 2011 volcanic eruption on Buenos Aires" (2013) Raga, G.B.;Baumgardner, D.;Ulke, A.G. (...)Kucienska, B. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 13(9):2319-2330
"Air pollution sources of PM10 in Buenos Aires City" (2009) Reich, S.; Robledo, F.; Gomez, D.; Smichowski, P. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 155(1-4):191-204
"Daytime ventilation conditions in Buenos Aires city, Argentina" (2004) Ulke, A.G. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 22(4):379-395
"Urban geology of the Buenos Aires metropolitan area and its influence on environmental problems " (2004) Pereyra, F.X. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 59(3):394-410
"Some aspects of air pollution in Buenos Aires city" (2004) Mazzeo, N.A.; Venegas, L.E. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 22(4):365-378
"Generation of new littoral ecosystems by levee filling in the coast of the city of Buenos Aires " (2004) Marcomini, S.C.; López, R.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 59(2):261-272
"Migrants and gender differneces in the labor market of metropolitan Buenos Aires " (2003) Cacopardo, M.C.; Maguid, A.M. Desarrollo Economico. 43(170):265-286