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Fourier transform
"The fourier transform of (G(x,m)λ+)" (2016) Aguirre, M.A.; Rébora, E.A. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 109(3):601-608
"The fourier transform of P+ λ and P- λ" (2015) Aguirre, M.A.; Rébora, E.A. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 105(2):281-296
"Latitudinal height couplings between single tropopause and 500 and 100 hpa within the Southern Hemisphere" (2010) Yuchechen, A.E.; Bischoff, S.A.; Canziani, P.O. International Journal of Climatology. 30(4):492-508
"A fractal Plancherel theorem" (2009) Molter, U.M.; Zuberman, L. Real Analysis Exchange. 34(1):69-86
"A discovery of new features of gastropod local field potentials by application of wavelet tools" (2002) Schütt, A.; Rosso, O.A.; Figliola, A. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 119(1):89-104
"A new method to detect hidden frequencies in chaotic time series" (1995) Ortega, G.J. Physics Letters A. 209(5-6):351-355