Lista de

fold belt
"Slab pull in the northern margin of Paleothetys ocean and internal deformation in Gondwana (including Ventana fold belt) " (2015) Vizán, H.;Prezzi, C.;Japas, M.S. (...)Renda, E.M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 72(3):355-377
"The Gondwana connections of northern Patagonia" (2014) Pankhurst, R.J.;Rapela, C.W.;López de Luchi, M.G. (...)Galindo, C. Journal of the Geological Society. 171(3):313-328
"The age of the Tunas formation in the Sauce Grande basin-Ventana foldbelt (Argentina): Implications for the Permian evolution of the southwestern margin of Gondwana" (2013) López-Gamundí, O.; Fildani, A.; Weislogel, A.; Rossello, E. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 45:250-258
"Mid-Cretaceous polar standstill of South America, motion of the Atlantic hotspots and the birth of the Andean cordillera" (2008) Somoza, R.; Zaffarana, C.B. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 271(1-4):267-277