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"Measuring the magnetic field of a trans-equatorial loop system using coronal seismology" (2017) Long, D.M.;Valori, G.;Pérez-Suárez, D. (...)Vásquez, A.M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 603
"Extrapolating time-averaged air pollution concentrations" (2017) Mazzeo, N.A.;Pineda Rojas, A.L.;Castelli S.T. (...)ARIANET srl-Aria Technologies SA; Combustion Ltd.; Eurelettronica ICAS; Lombard and Marozzini srl 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2017. 2017-October:672-676
"Characteristic boundary conditions for magnetohydrodynamics: The Brio-Wu shock tube" (2016) Cimino, A.; Krause, G.; Elaskar, S.; Costa, A. Computers and Fluids. 127:194-210
"Precipitation nowcasting with three-dimensional space-time extrapolation of dense and frequent phased-array weather radar observations" (2016) Otsuka, S.;Tuerhong, G.;Kikuchi, R. (...)Miyoshi, T. Weather and Forecasting. 31(1):329-340
"The relationship between magnetic field strength and loop lengths in solar coronal active regions" (2006) Jain, R.; Mandrini, C.H. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 450(1):375-381
"Approaching field tuned quantum criticality in CeIn3 - x Snx" (2006) Silhanek, A.V.;Zocco, D.;Harrison, N. (...)Ebihara, T. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 378-380(SPEC ISS):90-91
"On the scaling of magnetic field strength with loop length in solar active regions" (2005) Mandrini, C.H.;Jain, R.;Innes D.E. (...)Danesy D. International Scientific Conference on Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields(596):85-90
"Specific heat at the magnetic order transitions in RbFe (MoO 4 ) 2" (2004) Jorge, G.A.;Capan, C.;Ronning, F. (...)Demianets, L.A. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 354(1-4 SPEC ISS):297-299
"High magnetic field studies of the hidden order transition in URu2Si2" (2002) Jaime, M.;Kim, K.H.;Jorge, G. (...)Mydosh, J.A. Physical Review Letters. 89(28 I):287201-1-287201-4
"Some results of the chromospheric magnetic field study based on millimeter wave observations of active regions" (2002) Loukitcheva, M.A.; Mandrini, C.H.; Stenborg, G.A.; Sawaya-Lacoste H. Proceedings of the Magnetic Coupling of the solar Atmosphere Euroconference and IAU Colloquium 188(505):481-484
"Three-dimensional solution structure and stability of thioredoxin m from spinach" (2001) Neira, J.L.;González, C.;Toiron, C. (...)Rico, M. Biochemistry. 40(50):15246-15256