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environmental management
"Partition of some key regulating services in terrestrial ecosystems: Meta-analysis and review" (2016) Viglizzo, E.F.; Jobbágy, E.G.; Ricard, M.F.; Paruelo, J.M. Science of the Total Environment. 562:47-60
"Eco-bio-social research on community-based approaches for Chagas disease vector control in Latin America" (2014) Gürtlera, R.E.; Yadon, Z.E. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 109(2):91-98
"Changes in forest structure and tree recruitment in Argentinean Chaco: Effects of fragment size and landscape forest cover" (2013) Torrella, S.A.; Ginzburg, R.G.; Adámoli, J.M.; Galetto, L. Forest Ecology and Management. 307:147-154
"Arsenic and associated trace-elements in groundwater from the Chaco-Pampean plain, Argentina: Results from 100years of research" (2012) Nicolli, H.B.;Bundschuh, J.;Blanco, M.D.C. (...)Rusansky, J.E. Science of the Total Environment. 429:36-56
"Groundwater vulnerability assessment combining the drastic and Dyna-CLUE model in the Argentine Pampas" (2011) Lima, M.L.; Zelaya, K.; Massone, H. Environmental Management. 47(5):828-839
"Exploring the capacity of radar remote sensing to estimate wetland marshes water storage" (2009) Grings, F.;Salvia, M.;Karszenbaum, H. (...)Perna, P. Journal of Environmental Management. 90(7):2189-2198
"Environmental analysis in the selection of alternative corridors in a long-distance linear project: A methodological proposal" (2006) Rescia, A.J.;Astrada, E.N.;Bono, J. (...)Adámoli, J.M. Journal of Environmental Management. 80(3):266-278