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dietary shift
"The feeding ecology of Mustelus schmitti in the southwestern Atlantic: Geographic variations and dietary shifts" (2012) Belleggia, M.; Figueroa, D.E.; Sánchez, F.; Bremec, C. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 95(1):99-114
"Food habits of the broad nose skate, Bathyraja brachyurops (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae), in the south-west Atlantic" (2008) Belleggia, M.;Mabragaña, E.;Figueroa, D.E. (...)Díaz De Astarloa, J.M. Scientia Marina. 72(4):701-710
"Larvae of the invasive species Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia) in the diet of fish larvae in the Paraná River, Argentina" (2007) Paolucci, E.M.; Cataldo, D.H.; Fuentes, C.M.; Boltovskoy, D. Hydrobiologia. 589(1):219-233