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"DNA barcode, taxonomic and ecological notes for the identification of the invasive amphipod Monocorophium acherusicum (Costa, 1851)" (2018) Albano, M.J.;Rumbold, C.;Chiesa, I.L. (...)Obenat, S.M. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research:1-18
"Functional Anatomy of the Reproductive System" (2015) López Greco, L.S. Functional Morphology and Diversity
"Vitellogenin levels in hemolymph, ovary and hepatopancreas of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) during the reproductive cycle" (2012) Ferré, L.E.;Medesani, D.A.;Fernando García, C. (...)Rodríguez, E.M. Revista de Biologia Tropical. 60(1):253-261
"In vitro effect of methyl farnesoate on the vitellogenin content of ovary and hepatopancreas, in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus" (2012) Medesani, D.A.; Ferré, L.E.; Grodzielski, M.; Rodríguez, E.M. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 56(2):138-143
"Induction of ovarian growth in the red claw crayfish, cherax quadricarinatus, by the enkephalinergic antagonist naloxone: In vivo and in vitro studies" (2008) Cahansky, A.V.; Medesani, D.A.; RodrÍguez, E.M. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 51(2):61-67
"Endocrine disruption in crustaceans due to pollutants: A review" (2007) Rodríguez, E.M.; Medesani, D.A.; Fingerman, M. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 146(4):661-671
"Bivalve contribution to shallow sandy bottom food web off Mar Del Plata (Argentina): Inference from stomach contents and stable isotope analysis" (2006) Penchaszadeh, P.E.;Arrighetti, F.;Cledón, M. (...)Iribarne, O.O. Journal of Shellfish Research. 25(1):51-54
"Inhibition of molting by cadmium in the crab Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda Brachyura)" (2003) Rodríguez Moreno, P.A.; Medesani, D.A.; Rodríguez, E.M. Aquatic Toxicology. 64(2):155-164
"Ovarian growth in the crab Chasmagnathus granulata induced by hormones and neuroregulators throughout the year. In vivo and in vitro studies" (2003) Zapata, V.; López Greco, L.S.; Medesani, D.; Rodríguez, E.M. Aquaculture. 224(1-4):339-352
"Effects of cadmium on somatic and gonadal growth of juvenile females of the estuarine crab chasmagnathus granulata (brachyura: Grapsidae)" (2000) Kogan, M.; López Greco, L.S.; Romano, L.A.; Rodríguez, E.M. Zoological Studies. 39(4):344-350