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Computational resources
"Initial experiences from TUPAC supercomputer" (2018) Vinazza, D.;Otero, A.;Soba, A. (...)Nesmachnow S. 4th Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing, CARLA 2017. 796:38-52
"Sherlockfog: Finding opportunities for MPI applications in fog and edge computing" (2018) Geier, M.; Mocskos, E.; Mocskos E.; Nesmachnow S. 4th Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing, CARLA 2017. 796:185-199
"Algorithmic Pseudorandomness in Quantum Setups" (2016) Bendersky, A.;De La Torre, G.;Senno, G. (...)Acín, A. Physical Review Letters. 116(23)
"Grid Matrix: A grid simulation tool to focus on the propagation of resource and monitoring information" (2012) Mocskos, E.E.; Yabo, P.; Turjanski, P.G.; Fernández Slezak, D. Simulation. 88(10):1233-1246