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Journal of Physiology Paris
"Epigenetic mechanisms and memory strength: A comparative study" (2014) Federman, N.;Zalcman, G.;de la Fuente, V. (...)Romano, A. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(4-6):278-285
"Escape response of the crab Neohelice to computer generated looming and translational visual danger stimuli" (2014) Scarano, F.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):141-147
"Memory beyond expression" (2014) Delorenzi, A.;Maza, F.J.;Suárez, L.D. (...)Stehberg, J. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(4-6):307-322
"Organization of columnar inputs in the third optic ganglion of a highly visual crab" (2014) Bengochea, M.; Berón de Astrada, M. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):61-70
"Recurrent inhibition in motor systems, a comparative analysis" (2014) Szczupak, L. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):148-154
"Strengthening a consolidated memory: The key role of the reconsolidation process" (2014) Forcato, C.; Fernandez, R.S.; Pedreira, M.E. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(4-6):323-333
"Synaptic NF-kappa B pathway in neuronal plasticity and memory" (2014) Salles, A.; Romano, A.; Freudenthal, R. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(4-6):256-262
"The endocrine regulation of cichlids social and reproductive behavior through the eyes of the chanchita, Cichlasoma dimerus (Percomorpha; Cichlidae)" (2014) Ramallo, M.R.;Morandini, L.;Alonso, F. (...)Pandolfi, M. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):194-202
"The Mauthner-cell circuit of fish as a model system for startle plasticity" (2014) Medan, V.; Preuss, T. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):129-140