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Dalton Transactions
"Ca(II) and Ce(III) homogeneous alginate hydrogels from the parent alginic acid precursor: A structural study" (2016) Sonego, J.M.; Santagapita, P.R.; Perullini, M.; Jobbágy, M. Dalton Transactions. 45(24):10050-10057
"Mapping the protein-binding sites for iridium(III)-based CO-releasing molecules" (2016) Caterino, M.;Petruk, A.A.;Vergara, A. (...)Merlino, A. Dalton Transactions. 45(30):12206-12214
"Physicochemical aspects of epoxide driven nano-ZrO2 hydrogel formation: Milder kinetics for better properties" (2016) Oestreicher, V.; Perullini, M.; Jobbágy, M. Dalton Transactions. 45(24):9920-9924
"Spectroscopic signatures of ligand field states in {RuII(imine)} complexes" (2016) Cadranel, A.;Pieslinger, G.E.;Tongying, P. (...)Hodak, J.H. Dalton Transactions. 45(13):5464-5475
"Understanding the Zr and Si interdispersion in Zr1-xSixO2 mesoporous thin films by using FTIR and XANES spectroscopy" (2016) Andrini, L.; Angelomé, P.C.; Soler-Illia, G.J.A.A.; Requejo, F.G. Dalton Transactions. 45(24):9977-9987