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Sigman, Mariano
"Young children are natural pedagogues" (2015) Calero, C.I.;Zylberberg, A.;Ais, J. (...)Sigman, M. Cognitive Development. 35:65-78
"Working memory differences in long-distance dependency resolution" (2015) Nicenboim, B.;Vasishth, S.;Gattei, C. (...)Kliegl, R. Frontiers in Psychology. 6(MAR)
"The Formation of Hierarchical Decisions in the Visual Cortex" (2015) Lorteije, J.A.M.;Zylberberg, A.;Ouellette, B.G. (...)Roelfsema, P.R. Neuron. 87(6):1344-1356
"Sweet and sour: Music and taste associations" (2015) Kontukoski, M.;Luomala, H.;Mesz, B. (...)Hopia, A.I. Nutrition and Food Science. 45(3):357-376
"Quantitative pedagogy: A digital two player game to examine communicative competence" (2015) Lopez-Rosenfeld, M.;Carrillo, F.;Garbulsky, G. (...)Sigman, M. PLoS ONE. 10(11)
"Proprioceptive body illusions modulate the visual perception of reaching distance" (2015) Petroni, A.; Carbajal, M.J.; Sigman, M. PLoS ONE. 10(6)
"Parsing Heuristic and Forward Search in First-Graders' Game-Play Behavior" (2015) Paz, L.; Goldin, A.P.; Diuk, C.; Sigman, M. Cognitive Science. 39(5):944-971
"Neglect in human communication: Quantifying the cost of cell-phone interruptions in face to face dialogs" (2015) Lopez-Rosenfeld, M.;Calero, C.I.;Fernandez Slezak, D. (...)Sigman, M. PLoS ONE. 10(6)
"Factoring the brain signatures of anesthesia concentration and level of arousal across individuals" (2015) Barttfeld, P.;Bekinschtein, T.A.;Salles, A. (...)Sigman, M. NeuroImage: Clinical. 9:385-391
"Conveniently upset: Avoiding altruism by distorting beliefs about others' altruism" (2015) Di Tella, R.; Perez-Truglia, R.; Babino, A.; Sigman, M. American Economic Review. 105(11):3416-3442
"Confidence as Bayesian Probability: From Neural Origins to Behavior" (2015) Meyniel, F.; Sigman, M.; Mainen, Z.F. Neuron. 88(1):78-92