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Kordich, Lucía Clelia
Thrombosis Research
"Platelet function and antithrombins in hyperlipoproteinemia type IIa" (1981) Molinas, F.C.;Drucker, E.;Kordich, L. (...)Finkielman, S. Thrombosis Research. 22(4):427-435
"Prevalence of Three Prothrombotic Polymorphisms: Factor V G1691A, Factor II G20210A and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) C 677T in Argentina" (2000) Genoud, V.;Castañon, M.;Annichino-Bizzacchi, J. (...)Kordich, L. Thrombosis Research. 100(3):127-131
"Associated thrombophilic defects in essential thrombocythaemia: Their relationship with clinical manifestations" (2004) Kornblihtt, L.I.;Heller, P.G.;Correa, G. (...)Molinas, F.C. Thrombosis Research. 112(3):131-135