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Batlle, Alcira María del Carmen
"δ-Aminolevulinic acid transport through blood-brain barrier" (1998) García, S.C.; Moretti, M.B.; Garay, M.V.R.; Batlle, A. General Pharmacology. 31(4):579-582
"UGA4 gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on cell growth conditions." (1998) Bermúdez Moretti, M.; Correa García, S.; Batlle, A. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France). 44(4):585-590
"Regulatory role of ALA-S and ALA-D in a haem-deficient mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae." (1998) Araujo, L.S.; Lombardo, M.E.; Del C Batlle, A.M. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France). 44(4):591-595
"Reducing sugars trigger δ-aminolevulinic dehydratase inactivation evidence of in vitro aspirin prevention" (1998) Caballero, F.A.;Gerez, E.N.;Polo, C.F. (...)Del C. Batlle, A.M. General Pharmacology. 31(3):441-445
"Porfiria cutanea tardia: Deteccion de una nueva mutacion en la uroporfirinogeno decarboxilasa mediante rt-pcr y secuenciacion directa" (1998) Mendez, M.;Parera, V.E.;Rossetti, M.V. (...)Del C Batlle, A.M. Revista Argentina de Dermatologia. 79(1):20-30
"Hepatic enzymatic metabolism alterations and oxidative stress during the onset of carcinogenesis: Protective role of α-tocopherol" (1998) Gerez, E.;Caballero, F.;Vazquez, E. (...)Del C. Batlle, A.M. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 7(1):69-76
"Coproporfiria hereditaria. Estudios bioquimicos en 7 pacientes sintomaticos y familiares" (1998) Stella, A.M.;Melito, V.E.;Melito, V.A. (...)Del Batlle, A.M.C. Revista Argentina de Dermatologia. 79(3):144-152
"Beta-carotene partially prevents the damage induced by 1,4- dimethylaminoazobenzene in mice" (1998) Gerez, E.; Vazquez, E.; Caballero, F.; Del C Batlle, A.M. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 7(4):337-342