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Buera, María del Pilar
"β-cyclodextrin modifications as related to enzyme stability in dehydrated systems: Supramolecular transitions and molecular interactions" (2011) Santagapita, P.R.;Brizuela, L.G.;Mazzobre, M.F. (...)Buera, M.P. Carbohydrate Polymers. 83(1):203-209
"Stimulating effect of sorbitol and xylitol on germination and growth of some xerophilic fungi" (2011) Patriarca, A.; Larumbe, G.; Buera, M.P.; Vaamonde, G. Food Microbiology. 28(8):1463-1467
"State diagrams for improving processing and storage of foods, biological materials, and pharmaceuticals (IUPAC Technical Report)" (2011) Buera, M.P.;Roos, Y.;Levine, H. (...)Angell, C.A. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 83(8):1567-1617
"Solubility and Stability of β-Cyclodextrin-Terpineol Inclusion Complex as Affected by Water" (2011) Mazzobre, M.F.; dos Santos, C.I.; Buera, M. Food Biophysics. 6(2):274-280
"Phase solubility studies and stability of cholesterol/β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes" (2011) dos Santos, C.; Buera, M.P.; Mazzobre, M.F. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 91(14):2551-2557
"Integrated approach for interpreting browning rate dependence with relative humidity in dehydrated fruits" (2011) Agudelo Laverde, L.M.; Acevedo, N.C.; Schebor, C.; Buera, M.D.P. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 44(4):963-968
"Formulation and drying of alginate beads for controlled release and stabilization of invertase" (2011) Santagapita, P.R.; Mazzobre, M.F.; Buera, M.P. Biomacromolecules. 12(9):3147-3155
"Effect of storage temperature on starch retrogradation of bread staling" (2011) Aguirre, J.F.;Osella, C.A.;Carrara, C.R. (...)Buera, M.D.P. Starch/Staerke. 63(9):587-593