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The objective of the present work was to study the effect of bread storage temperature on starch retrogradation, using water activity measurement and X-ray diffractometry technique to analyse the changes produced in the crumb firmness such as recrystallization. When storing bread with crust, the crust tends to trap moisture from the crumb, resulting in a dehydration of the crumb with faster staling. For storage temperatures of 25 and 4°C, water activity decreases as a function of storage time whereas at -18°C it is maintained at an almost constant level for 23 days. During storage, the starch molecules are reassociated and generate a new crystalline order which has a typical XRD pattern: the B-type structure. The peak at 17.4° is indicative of this structure and is related to bread aging. As observed with the recrystallization kinetics, at -18°C only crystal growth may occur, whereas at 25 and 4°C there would be not only growth but also formation of new crystals. At 4°C the rate of starch retrogradation is the highest for the studied conditions. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Effect of storage temperature on starch retrogradation of bread staling
Autor:Aguirre, J.F.; Osella, C.A.; Carrara, C.R.; Sánchez, H.D.; Buera, M.D.P.
Filiación:Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos, Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Nacional Del Litoral, 10 de Mayo 3250, Santa Fe, Argentina
Departamento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Bread staling; Starch crystallinity; Starch retrogradation; Bread staling; Constant level; Crystalline order; Recrystallization kinetics; Starch crystallinity; Starch molecules; Starch retrogradation; Storage temperatures; Storage time; Water activity; XRD patterns; Crystal growth; Food products; Recrystallization (metallurgy); X ray diffraction analysis; Starch
Página de inicio:587
Página de fin:593
Título revista:Starch/Staerke
Título revista abreviado:starch


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---------- APA ----------
Aguirre, J.F., Osella, C.A., Carrara, C.R., Sánchez, H.D. & Buera, M.D.P. (2011) . Effect of storage temperature on starch retrogradation of bread staling. Starch/Staerke, 63(9), 587-593.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Aguirre, J.F., Osella, C.A., Carrara, C.R., Sánchez, H.D., Buera, M.D.P. "Effect of storage temperature on starch retrogradation of bread staling" . Starch/Staerke 63, no. 9 (2011) : 587-593.
---------- MLA ----------
Aguirre, J.F., Osella, C.A., Carrara, C.R., Sánchez, H.D., Buera, M.D.P. "Effect of storage temperature on starch retrogradation of bread staling" . Starch/Staerke, vol. 63, no. 9, 2011, pp. 587-593.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Aguirre, J.F., Osella, C.A., Carrara, C.R., Sánchez, H.D., Buera, M.D.P. Effect of storage temperature on starch retrogradation of bread staling. starch. 2011;63(9):587-593.