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Moreno de Colonna, Silvia
"Mucor rouxii ultrastructure: Cyclic AMP and actin cytoskeleton" (2006) Pereyra, E.;Ingerfeld, M.;Anderson, N. (...)Moreno, S. Protoplasma. 228(4):189-199
"Interaction of the stress protein p8 with Jab1 is required for Jab1-dependent p27 nuclear-to-cytoplasm translocation" (2006) Malicet, C.;Hoffmeister, A.;Moreno, S. (...)Iovanna, J.L. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 339(1):284-289
"Inhibition of trehalose crystallization by cytoplasmic yeast components" (2006) Espinosa, L.;Schebor, C.;Buera, P. (...)Chirife, J. Cryobiology. 52(1):157-160
"Cell growth-dependent subcellular localization of p8" (2006) Valacco, M.P.;Varone, C.;Malicet, C. (...)Moreno, S. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 97(5):1066-1079
"Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of rosemary extracts linked to their polyphenol composition" (2006) Moreno, S.; Scheyer, T.; Romano, C.S.; Vojnov, A.A. Free Radical Research. 40(2):223-231