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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
"Heat capacity and glass transition in P2O5-H 2O solutions: Support for Mishima's conjecture on solvent water at low temperature" (2011) Corti, H.R.; Nores-Pondal, F.J.; Angell, C.A. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13(44):19741-19748
"Freezing single molecule dynamics on interfaces and in polymers" (2011) Krause, S.; Aramendia, P.F.; Täuber, D.; Von Borczyskowski, C. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13(5):1754-1761
"Electronic coherences and vibrational wave-packets in single molecules studied with femtosecond phase-controlled spectroscopy" (2011) Hildner, R.; Brinks, D.; Stefani, F.D.; Van Hulst, N.F. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13(5):1888-1894
"Electron transfer dynamics of Rhodothermus marinus caa 3 cytochrome c domains on biomimetic films" (2011) Molinas, M.F.;De Candia, A.;Szajnman, S.H. (...)Murgida, D.H. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13(40):18088-18098
"Electrochemistry of Os(2,2′-bpy)2ClPyCH2NHCOPh tethered to Au electrodes by S-Au and C-Au junctions" (2011) Ricci, A.M.;Tognalli, N.;De La Llave, E. (...)Calvo, E.J. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13(12):5336-5345
"Charge transfer properties of Tröger base derivatives" (2011) Ramírez, C.L.;Pegoraro, C.;Trupp, L. (...)Parise, A.R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13(45):20076-20080