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Folguera, Andrés
"Crustal collapse in the Andean backarc since 2 Ma: Tromen volcanic plateau, Southern Central Andes (36°40′-37°30′S)" (2008) Folguera, A.; Bottesi, G.; Zapata, T.; Ramos, V.A. Tectonophysics. 459(1-4):140-160
"GOCE derived vertical gravity gradient delineates great earthquake rupture zones along the Chilean margin" (2014) Álvarez, O.;Nacif, S.;Gimenez, M. (...)Braitenberg, C. Tectonophysics. 622:198-215
"Patagonian broken foreland and related synorogenic rifting: The origin of the Chubut Group Basin" (2015) Gianni, G.;Navarrete, C.;Orts, D. (...)Giménez, M. Tectonophysics. 649:81-99
"Tectonic evolution of the North Patagonian Andes (41°–44° S) through recognition of syntectonic strata" (2016) Echaurren, A.;Folguera, A.;Gianni, G. (...)Valencia, V. Tectonophysics. 677-678:99-114