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Molecular Biology and Evolution
"Transpecific polymorphisms in an inversion linked esterase locus in drosophila buzzatii" (2003) Gómez, G.A.; Hasson, E. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 20(3):410-423
"The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii. XXXV. Inversion polymorphism and nucleotide variability in different regions of the second chromosome" (2003) Laayouni, H.; Hasson, E.; Santos, M.; Fontdevila, A. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 20(6):931-944
"Adaptive Evolution of the Water Stress-Induced Gene Asr2 in Lycopersicon Species Dwelling in Arid Habitats" (2003) Frankel, N.; Hasson, E.; Iusem, N.D.; Rossi, M.S. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 20(12):1955-1962