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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
"Stability of sorbates in the presence of EDTA: Effect of pH, packaging material and sequestrant level" (2005) Castro, M.P.; Gerschenson, L.N.; Campos, C.A. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 85(2):328-332
"Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography of methylxanthines- containing beverages: Discussion of the molecular species involved" (2005) Pomilio, A.B.; Trajtemberg, S.P.; Vitale, A.A. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 85(4):622-628
"Chemical and biochemical changes of pumpkin (Cucumis moschata, Duch) tissue in relation to osmotic stress" (2005) De Escalada Pla, M.F.;Ponce, N.M.;Wider, M.E. (...)Gerschenson, L.N. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 85(11):1852-1860