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International Journal of Biochemistry
"Porphyrin biosynthesis-immobilized enzymes and ligands-XI. A wide variety of applications" (1978) Del C. Batlle, A.M.; De Xifra, E.A.W.; Stella, A.M. International Journal of Biochemistry. 9(6):407-419
"Delta aminolaevulinate dehydratase: its mechanism of action" (1978) Del C. Batlle, A.M.; Stella, A.M. International Journal of Biochemistry. 9(12):861-864
"A simple method for measuring erythrocyte porphobilinogenase, and its use in the diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria" (1978) Del C. Batlle, A.M.; De Xifra, E.A.W.; MarÍa Stella, A. International Journal of Biochemistry. 9(12):871-875