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Poggio, Lidia
Plant Systematics and Evolution
"Hybridization between South American Jarilla and North American diploid creosotebush (Larrea, Zygophyllaceae)" (1977) Yang, T.W.; Hunziker, J.H.; Poggio, L.; Naranjo, C.A. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 126(4):331-346
"Phenol chromatography, morphology and cytogenetics in three species and natural hybrids of Prosopis (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae)" (1984) Naranjo, C.A.; Poggio, L.; Enus Zeiger, S. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 144(3-4):257-276
"AFLP characterization of natural populations of Berberis (Berberidaceae) in Patagonia, Argentina" (2002) Bottini, M.C.J.; De Bustos, A.; Jouve, N.; Poggio, L. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 231(1-4):133-142
"Genetic relationships in the Galactia-Camptosema-Collaea complex (Leguminosae) inferred from AFLP markers" (2008) Sede, S.M.;Tosto, D.S.;Gottlieb, A.M. (...)Fortunato, R.H. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 276(3-4):261-270
"Nuclear DNA content in the polyploid complex Turnera ulmifolia (Turnera L., Passifloraceae)" (2011) López, A.; Panseri, A.F.; Poggio, L.; Fernández, A. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 296(3-4):225-230
"Chromosome studies in southern species of Mimosa (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) and their taxonomic and evolutionary inferences" (2013) Morales, M.; Wulff, A.F.; Fortunato, R.H.; Poggio, L. Plant Systematics and Evolution:1-15
"Genomic relationships between hexaploid Helianthus resinosus and diploid Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae)" (2013) Miranda Zanetti, J.;Greizerstein, E.;Camadro, E. (...)Carrera, A. Plant Systematics and Evolution:1-8