Lista de

Kreiner, Andrés Juan
Physical Review C
"Excited states in Y86" (1984) Davidson, M.; Davidson, J.; Kreiner, A.J.; Pomar, C. Physical Review C. 29(5):1717-1721
"Shape coexistence in Tl189" (1988) Kreiner, A.J.;Davidson, J.;Davidson, M. (...)Kahler, A.C. Physical Review C. 38(6):2674-2680
"Rotational structures in Ir181,182,183" (1990) Kreiner, A.J.;Davidson, J.;Davidson, M. (...)Warburton, E.K. Physical Review C. 42(3):878-889
"High-spin states in Lu166" (1992) Hojman, D.;Kreiner, A.J.;Davidson, M. (...)Seale, W.A. Physical Review C. 45(1):90-102
"Rotational structures in Ta174 and ''identical bands'' in the normal deformation regime" (1992) Hojman, D.; Kreiner, A.J.; Davidson, M. Physical Review C. 46(4):1203-1208
"Near yrast states in doubly odd Fr214" (1993) Debray, M.E.;Kreiner, A.J.;Kesque, J.M. (...)Xu, N. Physical Review C. 48(5):2246-2251
"Pseudospin flip in doubly decoupled structures and identical bands" (1994) Kreiner, A.J.;Cardonaf, M.A.;Somacalf, H. (...)Lo Biancof, G. Physical Review C. 50(2):R530-R533