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Hasson, Esteban Ruben
"Testing the interplay between physiological and life-history traits: An experimental study in Drosophila" (2007) Folguera, G.;Muñoz, J.L.;Ceballos, S. (...)Hasson, E. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 9(7):1211-1222
"Molecular population genetics of the α-esterase5 gene locus in original and colonized populations of Drosophila buzzatii and its sibling Drosophila koepferae" (2007) Piccinali, R.V.;Mascord, L.J.;Barker, J.S.F. (...)Hasson, E. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 64(2):158-170
"Mitochondrial sequence diversity of the southernmost extant New World monkey, Alouatta caraya" (2007) Ascunce, M.S.; Hasson, E.; Mulligan, C.J.; Mudry, M.D. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 43(1):202-215