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Fissore, Eliana Noemí
"Obtention of dietary fibre enriched fractions from peach bagasse using ethanol pre-treatment and microwave drying" (2015) Nieto Calvache, J.E.;Fissore, E.N.;Latorre, M.E. (...)Gerschenson, L.N. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 62(2):1169-1176
"Characterization of fractions enriched in dietary fiber obtained from waste (leaves, stems, rhizomes and peels) of Beta vulgaris industrialization" (2015) Erhardt, E.;Domingo, C.S.;Rojas, A.M. (...)Gerschenson, L. Dietary Fiber: Production Challenges, Food Sources and Health Benefits:113-134
"Alginate utility in edible and non edible film development and the influence of its macromolecular structure in the antioxidant activity of a pharmaceutical/food interface" (2015) De'Nobili, M.D.;Curto, L.M.;Delfino, J.M. (...)Rojas, A.M. Alginic Acid: Chemical Structure, Uses and Health Benefits:119-169