Lista de

Wider de Xifra, Eva Adela
"The measurement of erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen i synthase in the diagnosis of latent and acute intermittent porphyria" (1980) Brocklehurst, D.; Wider De Xifra, E.A.; Batlle, A. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):791-793
"Effect of cadmium on porphyrin biosynthesis-I" (1980) Eva Kesten, M.; Stella, A.M.; Eva Wider De Xifra, A.; Alcira Del Batlle, M.C. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):905-908
"Acute intermittent porphyria-another approach to therapy" (1980) Wider de Xifra, E.A.; Batlle, A.M.d.C.; Stella, A.M.; Malamud, S. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):819-822