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Batlle, Alcira María del Carmen
"Metabolization of porphyrinogenic agents in brain: Involvement of the Phase I drug metabolizing system. A comparative study in liver and kidney" (2007) Lavandera, J.V.; Batlle, A.M.D.C.; Buzaleh, A.M. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 27(6):717-729
"Effect of haemin on growth, protein content and the antioxidant defence system in Trypanosoma cruzi" (2007) Ciccarelli, A.; Araujo, L.; Batlle, A.; Lombardo, E. Parasitology. 134(7):959-965
"5-Aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy on Hep-2 and MCF-7c3 cells" (2007) Alvarez, M.G.;Lacelli, M.S.;Rivarola, V. (...)Fukuda, H. Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology. 26(2):75-82