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Rozenberg, Marcelo Javier
"Strong electron correlation effects in non-volatile electronic memory devices" (2005) Inoue, I.H.;Rozenberg, M.J.;Yasuda, S. (...)Tokura, Y. 2005 Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium, NVMTS05:131-136
"Quantum Monte Carlo method for models of molecular nanodevices" (2005) Arrachea, L.; Rozenberg, M.J. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 72(4)
"Quantum magnets with anisotropic infinite range random interactions" (2005) Arrachea, L.; Rozenberg, M.J. Biophysical Chemistry. 115(2-3 SPEC ISS):135-138
"A model for non-volatile electronic memory devices with strongly correlated materials" (2005) Rozenberg, M.J.; Inoue, I.H.; Sánchez, M.J. Thin Solid Films. 486(1-2):24-27