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Noseda, Miguel D.
"Protective effect of a natural carrageenan on genital herpes simplex virus infection in mice" (2004) Carlucci, M.J.;Scolaro, L.A.;Noseda, M.D. (...)Damonte, E.B. Antiviral Research. 64(2):137-141
"Anti-herpes simplex virus activity of sulfated galactans from the red seaweeds Gymnogongrus griffithsiae and Cryptonemia crenulata" (2004) Talarico, L.B.;Zibetti, R.G.M.;Faria, P.C.S. (...)Damonte, E.B. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 34(1-2):63-71
"Alkali modification of carrageenans. Part V. the iota-nu hybrid carrageenan from Eucheuma denticulatum and its cyclization to iota-carrageenan" (2004) Viana, A.G.; Noseda, M.D.; Duarte, M.E.R.; Cerezo, A.S. Carbohydrate Polymers. 58(4):455-460