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Murgida, Daniel Horacio
"Self-assembled monolayers of NH2-terminated thiolates: Order, pKa, and specific adsorption" (2013) Marmisollé, W.A.;Capdevila, D.A.;De La Llave, E. (...)Murgida, D.H. Langmuir. 29(17):5351-5359
"Phosphate mediated adsorption and electron transfer of cytochrome c. A time-resolved SERR spectroelectrochemical study" (2013) Capdevila, D.A.; Marmisollé, W.A.; Williams, F.J.; Murgida, D.H. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15(15):5386-5394
"Native CuA redox sites are largely resilient to pH variations within a physiological range" (2013) Alvarez-Paggi, D.; Abriata, L.A.; Murgida, D.H.; Vila, A.J. Chemical Communications. 49(47):5381-5383
"Electrostatically driven second-sphere ligand switch between high and low reorganization energy forms of native cytochrome c" (2013) Alvarez-Paggi, D.;Castro, M.A.;Tórtora, V. (...)Murgida, D.H. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135(11):4389-4397