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Luquet, Carlos Marcelo
"Health status and bioremediation capacity of wild freshwater mussels (Diplodon chilensis) exposed to sewage water pollution in a glacial Patagonian lake" (2014) Bianchi, V.A.;Castro, J.M.;Rocchetta, I. (...)Luquet, C.M. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 37(2):268-277
"Effects of sewage discharges on lipid and fatty acid composition of the Patagonian bivalve Diplodon chilensis" (2014) Rocchetta, I.;Pasquevich, M.Y.;Heras, H. (...)Luquet, C.M. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 79(1-2):211-219
"Biomarker responses to sewage pollution in freshwater mussels (Diplodon chilensis) transplanted to a Patagonian river" (2014) Bianchi, V.A.; Rocchetta, I.; Luquet, C.M. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 49(11):1276-1285