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Jobbagy, Matias
"Mesoporous Pt electrocatalyst for methanol tolerant cathodes of DMFC" (2012) Franceschini, E.A.;Bruno, M.M.;Viva, F.A. (...)Corti, H.R. Electrochimica Acta. 71:173-180
"Electrochemical characterization of PtRu nanoparticles supported on mesoporous carbon for methanol electrooxidation" (2012) Viva, F.A.; Bruno, M.M.; Jobbágy, M.; Corti, H.R. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116(6):4097-4104
"Development of a biosensor for environmental monitoring based on microalgae immobilized in silica hydrogels" (2012) Ferro, Y.;Perullini, M.;Jobbagy, M. (...)Durrieu, C. Sensors (Switzerland). 12(12):16879-16891