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Number theory
"Normal numbers and finite automata" (2013) Becher, V.; Heiber, P.A. Theoretical Computer Science. 477:109-116
"Quantifiers for randomness of chaotic pseudo-random number generators" (2009) De Micco, L.; Larrondo, H.A.; Plastino, A.; Rosso, O.A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 367(1901):3281-3296
"Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs I: Subclasses of claw-free graphs" (2008) Bonomo, F.; Chudnovsky, M.; Durán, G. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 156(7):1058-1082
"Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" (2007) Becher, V.; Figueira, S.; Picchi, R. Theoretical Computer Science. 377(1-3):126-138
"Lowness properties and approximations of the jump" (2006) Figueira, S.; Nies, A.; Stephan, F. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 143(SPEC ISS):45-57
"An example of a computable absolutely normal number" (2002) Becher, V.; Figueira, S. Theoretical Computer Science. 270(1-2):947-958