

In an unpublished manuscript, Alan Turing gave a computable construction to show that absolutely normal real numbers between 0 and 1 have Lebesgue measure 1; furthermore, he gave an algorithm for computing instances in this set. We complete his manuscript by giving full proofs and correcting minor errors. While doing this, we recreate Turing's ideas as accurately as possible. One of his original lemmas remained unproved, but we have replaced it with a weaker lemma that still allows us to maintain Turing's proof idea and obtain his result. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers
Autor:Becher, V.; Figueira, S.; Picchi, R.
Filiación:Departamento de Computación, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina
Palabras clave:Algorithm for normal numbers; Computable absolutely normal numbers; Turing's unpublished manuscript; Error correction; Number theory; Set theory; Theorem proving; Turing machines; Computable construction; Lebesgue measure; Manuscripts; Normal numbers; Algorithms
Página de inicio:126
Página de fin:138
Título revista:Theoretical Computer Science
Título revista abreviado:Theor Comput Sci


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---------- APA ----------
Becher, V., Figueira, S. & Picchi, R. (2007) . Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers. Theoretical Computer Science, 377(1-3), 126-138.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Becher, V., Figueira, S., Picchi, R. "Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" . Theoretical Computer Science 377, no. 1-3 (2007) : 126-138.
---------- MLA ----------
Becher, V., Figueira, S., Picchi, R. "Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" . Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 377, no. 1-3, 2007, pp. 126-138.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Becher, V., Figueira, S., Picchi, R. Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers. Theor Comput Sci. 2007;377(1-3):126-138.