

We give an elementary and direct proof of the following theorem: A real number is normal to a given integer base if, and only if, its expansion in that base is incompressible by lossless finite-state compressors (these are finite automata augmented with an output transition function such that the automata input-output behaviour is injective; they are also known as injective finite-state transducers). As a corollary we obtain V.N. Agafonov's theorem on the preservation of normality on subsequences selected by finite automata.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Normal numbers and finite automata
Autor:Becher, V.; Heiber, P.A.
Filiación:Departamento de Computación, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires and CONICET, Argentina
Palabras clave:Finite state transducers; Finite-state; Input-output; Lossless; Normal numbers; Output transition; Real number; Number theory; Theorem proving; Finite automata
Página de inicio:109
Página de fin:116
Título revista:Theoretical Computer Science
Título revista abreviado:Theor Comput Sci


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---------- APA ----------
Becher, V. & Heiber, P.A. (2013) . Normal numbers and finite automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 477, 109-116.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Becher, V., Heiber, P.A. "Normal numbers and finite automata" . Theoretical Computer Science 477 (2013) : 109-116.
---------- MLA ----------
Becher, V., Heiber, P.A. "Normal numbers and finite automata" . Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 477, 2013, pp. 109-116.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Becher, V., Heiber, P.A. Normal numbers and finite automata. Theor Comput Sci. 2013;477:109-116.