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---------- APA ----------
Farinati, M.A. & Solotar, A.
. Localization on (necessarily) topological coalgebras and cohomology. Journal of Algebra, 208(2), 575-603. CHICAGO ----------
Farinati, M.A., Solotar, A.
"Localization on (necessarily) topological coalgebras and cohomology"
. Journal of Algebra 208, no. 2
(1998) : 575-603. MLA ----------
Farinati, M.A., Solotar, A.
"Localization on (necessarily) topological coalgebras and cohomology"
. Journal of Algebra, vol. 208, no. 2, 1998, pp. 575-603. VANCOUVER ----------
Farinati, M.A., Solotar, A. Localization on (necessarily) topological coalgebras and cohomology. J. Algebra. 1998;208(2):575-603.